How to say goodbye to your home
Moving home for a new one in or around Manchester is for most people is a positive experience, maybe you are moving to a larger property, for work prospects or to be nearer family and friends. However leaving your familiar surroundings can also be a source of anxiety and even grief. Here are some simple ideas to help you through this process.
Making a memory book of your home with lots of photos is a wonderful idea. Take photographs of each room and write some memories to go with them. Don’t forget to include any memorable views from windows and garden. Involve your children in this project – let them draw pictures and write about their favourite times spent in the home.
Taking something from your old home could give you a source of comfort and continuity.
Think about lifting a plant from the garden and taking it with you to your new home. Perhaps a pair of curtains could be reused or upcycled into cushions for your new living room.
Plan a party or a small gathering of close friends and family before you move. Toast your old home and celebrate the good times.
Removals in Manchester
Take the anxiety out of packing and moving your belongings by booking a reputable removals company well in advance. Take time to decide what will be going with you to your new home and what you might want to give away, sell or replace. Storage temporarily or for a longer term is also a way to hang on to valuable items that don’t fit in your new home.
Leave something behind
Depending on how much time you have, pulling together a house manual for the new residents is so helpful. Instruction manuals, the day the rubbish is collected and any guarantees for appliances would be much appreciated information. Leaving a bottle of wine and a card welcoming them to their new home is also a nice touch. If you have children, you might want to bury a small time capsule in the back garden or even a letter and drawing under a floorboard.

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